Thursday, July 05, 2007

Frequent Runner Miles

After a Sunday where we did back to back Half Marathons - ie, 42K (26 miles), with the Canada Day long weekend looming we decided to switch our run to last Saturday - all 45K (28 miles of it).

I did a fast 8K tempo run last Tuesday, and with only two days of recovery and on a hot afternoon, only managed a 37 minute time. A little disappointing, but given my recent mileage not all that surprising.

I added in another couple of easy 20K romps before our epic 45K Saturday romp that nearly took us out to Horseshoe Bay and back. We ran along marine Drive and made a scenic detour out to Lighthouse park and it was one of those days and one of those runs where it would have been great to have a camera because the views were so spectacular.

Interestingly, that gave me a full three days rest until the Tuesday night 8K tempo run, and despite running in the early evening, in the setting sun, with temperatures in the high 70's, I manages to whittle nearly a full minute off my time, and at a significantly lower heart rate in the first 4K. This 8K was done in 36:20.

This weekend we are backing off to do a 35K, and then follow that up with a 50K and then the Haida Gwaii Totem-to-Totem Marathon in Skidegate in the Quenn Charlotte Islands the following weekend.

The Stormy 50 Mile (80K) Trail Ultra-marathon on August 11th is looming ever closer!

I feel pretty good, relatively speaking and I am tipping the scales at 191 pounds.


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