Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Time for a Tune-up

In my usual obsessive-compulsive way I have been a little concerned about my ongoing fatigue and some tightness and pain in my chest, so I made an appointment to see Dr. Boris. If a spring tune-up is good enough for my car, why not me?

Dr. Boris listened to me breathe for all of ten seconds before giving me a verbal slap upside my head. I thought he was going to take a swing at me with his stethoscope. "I have never heard your lungs sound this bad! Have you been using your inhalant?"

I explained that I used it before I ran (when I remember, that is...) so probably about once a day. The freaking stuff is over a hundred bucks a pop and I could easily go through two a month. And my asthma has been a little more pronounced with my higher mileage and with the speed workouts I have been doing of late. It never occurred to me that it would result in me feeling more tired. But less oxygen in the blood makes sense even to someone as obtuse as yours truly.

But Boris laid down the law on ther inhalant and I am to use it twice, twice a day. I guess I have to chalk it up to the price of doing business... Boris figures that my breathing, or lack thereof, is contributing to my fatigue so in the interests of recovering this week I am paying full attention for a change. But I also had a blood test just to be sure.

Hopefully this will get my supercharger working again. Now maybe I should get my oil changed and a lube job...


Blogger Scooter said...

Just make sure your meds aren't on the prohibited list!

7:42:00 AM  
Blogger Scooter said...

Just a quick wish of good luck to you for Sunday!

12:21:00 PM  

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