Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Licking My Wounds

Hey Vince,

It's getting boring without the ranting of a drunken Canuck!

Have a LaBatt's and rant for us!


Scooter and company have roused me from my lethargy or perhaps it has just been a prolonged pout.

I am blue, exhausted and working around the clock to find a job.

I am still in a lot of post-marathon pain. I ran 17.5K on Sunday, the longest sojourn yet since the marathon and my heart rate was still elevated considering my low level of effort and after 14K my legs were just dead. I might as well have been running on dead wood.

I have tried to post a Blog three times and that f***king piece of shit AOL server has failed on me every time. I have gone under a dozen times with crashes and lost conections.

Like an old dog, I have just crawled under the porch to lick my wounds.

Do not worry.

Thank you for worrying.

I will survive.

And not running is not an option.

I am laying in the weeds and considering my best strategy to attack Boston...


Blogger Scooter said...

Time for another post. I'm still feeling really beat up, but have committed to going 7/7 this week (am 2/2 so far), with a goal of 40+ miles (65+ km).
How about venting about someone who won't interview you (don't name names), but should. Also, be careful not to lose too much fitness while in the funk.
Wayne (yep, my real name!)

1:54:00 PM  

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