Monday, August 28, 2006

Nouveau Message

AHHH, the beauty of French keyboards. I have only screamed once or twice in frustration....

I love charter airlines. You can never take anything for granted. But ZOOM is still far superior to Air Canada at half the price. Still, charging you for the headphones to watch the movies smacks of extortion::: Even if you do get to keep them. I must have a dozen different head sets that I ALWAYS forget to drag along on the freakin airplane...

BIG MOMMA 2 may well be one of the worst films of all time. And while FAILURE TO LAUNCH is hardly a cinematic masteroiece it is hardly as bad as most film critics described it.

And AKILLA AND THE BEE was worth a good weep...

It has been raining steadily in Paris since I arrived.

I never slept on the plane and by the time I found a bed I had been up for 28 straight hours. At five in the afternoon, I lay down for what I thought would be a short nap before dinner. I slept for five hours...

So at ten I dragged myself out of bed for a later dinner and a bottle of red wine. After all, when in France...

At Midnight I staggered back to bed and slept until Noon, which is practically unheard of for me. I guess the last ten days of working around the clock had finally caught up with me. And the torrents of raining beating a tempo on the window panes was very soothing and lulled me into a luxurious dream-filled sleep.

Now to wander the streets of Paris. I have secured my train tickets to Bordeaux and London and I think it is time for a Museum and another bottle of wine, or maybe a little pastis...


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