Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Running in the Summer Sun

Vancouver has been deemed worthy enough by the Gods to be bestowed a glorious string of days of clear blue skies and brilliant summer sun. And in a word, hot! Wonderful weather for summer vacations, less so for long or hard runs.

I have taken to walking my boys at the crack of dawn and then going out for my runs in the morning. Less heat, and after last summer's little escapade with topical chemotherapy for cancerous skin lesions, less radiation! I rarely go outside in the peak hours of sunshine and even then, it's with heavy-duty sunscreen. Some days it's actually been too hot to run with a hat. Even so, I spend so much time outside running, that I am still more tanned than many of my compatriots. Strange times, strange times...

So my mornings are given up to running and my cup of coffee and daily dose of the New York Times has to wait... Have found myself missing the comradery of meeting up with everyone at the marathon clinic, though, so I find myself a little wistful for cooler temps and overcast skies! Mon Dieu!

Had a chance last evening to wish Justin a happy 30th birthday and to see Patrick's first compilation of our photos from our trip to Haida Gwaii. Pat managed to whittle the collection from a monstrous three thousand plus images to a little more feasible five hundred. Even then, at four seconds a pop, it took a good half hour to relive our trip on Kirsten's living/dining room wall. Accompanied by much wonderful food.

Couldn't believe I still weighed only 188 pounds this morning!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

It has been hot in a lot of the US, and my running times are getting earlier and earlier to accomidate that.

home fitness

8:04:00 PM  

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